Laboratorio de Motores (LAM) is a research and teaching group of the University of Zaragoza which focuses its field of work in thermal engines. The search for more efficient and less contaminant energetic solutions is one of the reasons that inspire the activities that are carried out in the group. For that purpose the group has at its disposal fully equipped experimental test facilities and also the theoretical background that the university scientific environment entails.
More than 20 years of professional experience have consolidated the group in the field of renewable energies applied to engines (biodiesel, hydrogen and natural gas, biogas, solar Stirling engine, etc.). Significant scientific advances have been made in this field as it is shown in the international publications presented. Other area in which the group has developed a consolidated activity is the engine diagnosis, in which advance tools have been elaborated capable of guaranteeing a safe working engine condition.

Mariano Muñoz Rodríguez
Francisco Moreno Gómez
Carlos Monné Bailo
Jorge Arroyo Villanueva
Marina Roche Arroyos
Nuria Bernal Cortés
Sergio Alonso Garcés
Arturo Barreu Lanuza
José Luis Quintana Cifre
María Larramona Asensio
José Luis Ibañez Ramos